JF Kennedy's Death Certificate

JF Kennedy’s Death Certificate

The confusion in America caused by the death of President Kennedy was gradually settled after the vice president rose to take the seat of president of the country. However, the documentation of President Kennedy’s death certificates ( medical and legal) has been the subject of debate among the public for many years. The documents which were signed by Dr. George Burkley and the Justice of Peace Theron Ward give good details on the circumstances regarding the president’s death. 

Date and Signatories 

After the death of the president, Dr George G. Burkley took the role of signing his medical death certificate. Dr Buckley was present in Dallas when the murder occurred and as the physician of the White House, he signed the certificate on November 23, 1963. Dr Buckley was well aware of the damage done to the president after the attack. 

Justice of the Peace of Dallas County, Theron Ward was responsible for the signing of the second death certificate on December 6, 1963. Theron Ward’s signing of the certificate was to grant legal documentation to the president’s certificate. 

Cause of Death

The account rendered by Dr. Burkley stated that the president’s death was caused by a gunshot wound to his skull. As a doctor, Burkley gave a detailed clinical analysis of the gunshot wound, describing the deadly impact of the bullet while Theron Ward who is less proficient in medical analysis and knowledge simply gave an account that the president suffered from two gunshot wounds which claimed his life. 

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Description of Wounds 

Dr Burkley gave a detailed graphic description of the wound in his account. He said that after the impact of the bullet to the skull, the skull was fragmented and three pieces of bone were broken off which resulted in a maceration of the right hemisphere of the brain. This detailed description is enough to tell you that the injury was very fatal. Dr. Burkley also described another injury at the back of the president resulting from another gunshot to the mid-thoracic region of the back. 

The description of the president’s death in Theron Ward’s signed certificate differs slightly from that of Dr Burkley. In Theron Ward’s account, he said that the president suffered two gunshot injuries, one above his right shoulder and the other an inch towards the right center area of the back of his head. Although the two accounts correspond with each other, there are slight differences in the details concerning the location of the bullet wounds. 

Comparison of Certificates 

The contrasting details between the two accounts made by Dr Burkley and Theron Ward have raised many discussions and debates among people. Although Dr Burkley gave a very detailed clinical account, explaining the extent of the damage caused by the bullet, Theron Ward’s account is less detailed and also has a slight difference in the location of the injury. However, Theron Ward’s account is legally significant so it’s as important as Dr Burkley’s account. Although there are contrasting details, both accounts agree on the fact that John F. Kennedy died from two gunshot wounds. 

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JF Kennedy’s Death Certificate

The description of the injury and the cause of death of the president were very vital in the investigation of the assassination. The investigation was quite difficult to complete after all even the accounts made by Dr Buckley and Theron Ward had some contrast. The documentation by Buckley and Ward was essential because Buckley’s account provided good insight into the details of the assassination which was very essential for historical and investigative purposes. While legal documentation was handled by Theron Ward although his account had fewer details. Their accounts have helped many people to understand the details of the president’s death while ensuring that a very important historical moment was recorded. 

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