Hamster Kombat Daily Cipher for July 1st 2024
The Hamster Kombat Daily Cipher today, for July 1st 2024 is “LEDGER” When you decode this, you can win 1,000,000 Hamster Coins.
. Hamster often gives daily challenges to all Hamster users allowing them to increase their coins thereby increasing their profit per hour.
Daily Cipher Explanation
In truth, one of the most interesting features of the Hamster Kombat is the Cipher. This is often done to tease users and test how they can solve problems and claim more coins.
It often requires users to tap, swipe or any other game interaction the developer deems fit.
Today, June 1st, developers of Hamster have thrown out to their users a morse code. The word is; “LEDGER.”
Morse Code:
- L: .-..
- E: .
- D: -..
- G: –.
- E: .
- R: .-.
Use the image below to decode the Hamster Kombat Daily Cipher.

So, hamster heroes, decode “LEDGER” and unlock your rewards today!