Baby Benson Autopsy

Baby Benson Autopsy, What Does it Say?

In 2019, a pregnant woman called Marissa Trietsot was accused of first degree intentional homicide after allegedly returning baby Benson to his parents by disguising him to look alive. Marrisa has been running an unregistered daycare home which  many people who dropped their kids with her were not aware of.   The victim’s mother had dropped her 2 months old baby – Benson, alongside his elder brother off at Marrisa home in Wausau Wisconsin on October 18, 2019.

 Baby Benson’s mother claimed to have received a strange text from Marrisa Trietsot about an article published against her (Marrisa) regarding child abuse allegations and warned the victim’s mother not to tell anyone her kids were with her. Marrisa Trietsot had released baby Benson and his older brother to their mother while acting like the baby was still alive. The complaint further accused Marrisa of dressing Benson in winter clothing. She told the police that she got to realise that her baby was no longer breathing as Benson’s feets were stiff and his body was very cold to touch. Trietsot was arrested the following morning at a nearby hotel where she acknowledged that she truly babysitted the two brothers but didn’t kill baby Benson. She also told the police she made no attempt to revive the baby or seek any medical help.  Social services workers have taken custody over four of her children without the knowledge of her fifth child. 

Several reports have been made that Marrisa Trietsot is pregnant with her sixth child,  while she is being held at the County Jail. She is sentenced to 40 years imprisonment. 

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An autopsy has been carefully carried out by the forensic pathologist – Robert Corliss. The autopsy results had determined that baby Benson died from several head injuries. Baby Benson also sustained severe injuries on his tailbone  which had been badly broken and fractured due to high force that had been used on him, surrounding the time of death. 

May Baby Benson’s soul continue  rest in peace. 

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