What is happening in Venezuela right now 2024

News Update: What is happening in Venezuela right now 2024?

Venezuela citizens have taken to the streets on Monday by declaring protest against the authoritative President Nicholas Maduro who is said to have rigged the elections to his favour and demonstrators are shouting slogans against the president, and some masked young people tore down his campaign posters from lampposts.

Police force has been spread across the protesting grounds to spray tear gas on demonstrators while crowds of people were seen walking down a main road banging pots and pans as anger rose over Maduro’s victory on Sunday.

Cause Of Protest 

 The cause of this public anger was confirmed after the National Election Council announced Maduro as Venezuela president for another 6 year term. Nicholas Maduro had continued to imprison those who go against his political power while using distribution of food as a means of social control. Despite the fact that Maduro Nicholas has confirmed the results as a settled matter, Gonzalez has told the media that his own campaign proved to show that he is the winner of the election.  The National Election Council is said to be loyal to Maduro. However, the electoral body is yet to release the results of the election  promising that all results will be released on Monday which will be done in the early hours to quickly verify results. 

World Leaders Reactions

Meanwhile, the United States has a framework that will protect the interests of the people in restoring the fair democracy they want and has withdrawn all forms of financial help to prevent Nicholas Maduro from destroying its citizens. The United States is working with potential global partners to hold Maduro and his cohorts accountable for the politics, economic and human crisis. 

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Many of the young supporters of the opposition party are saying they would leave the country if Maduro should become the President highlighting the hardships and violent use of power during his last regime. Many foreign offices, countries voiced similarly concerns and have a casted doubts on the results.

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