West Midlands community leaders policing

West Midlands Community Leaders Criticize Police Response Amid Two-Tier Policing Allegations

The Two Tier Policing allegations have gained currency as riots continue to storm down the cities across the UK. Social media platform X owner, Elon Musk is said to be among those who have spread the idea of rioting against the widespread two tier policing. 

The protests were meant to be a peaceful one, however, the police forces have been more heavy handed with people on the right of political Spectrum than the left. However, what can be seen in today’s protest has traces of thuggery, violence and racism. 

The West Midlands Police are admitting they were told how to “Police” the protest where thousands of people carrying weapons, attacking motorists, stoning pubs & assaulting citizens caused chaos.

“Our Policing response was to commensurate with the intelligence & the information we held with our Partners. We met with local Community Leaders, We had conversations with the local communities about what the protests were likely to look like” 

From the statement above, one can imagine how people are reacting to these scenarios. 

Logan’s Keeper reacted “  so, let’s see the arrest numbers.  betcha you went after the citizens and skipped over the migrants. The police and govt are nothing more than a bunch of sellouts, paying attention to the almighty dollar. someday you will wake up and realise, money is a concept that is worth nothing and stays on earth after you die” 

Blightykid reacted  “So who’s their intelligence from, the Guardian? Essentially people getting stabbed and beaten up would be ignored because the Marxist intel said “peaceful protest.”

Ed Griffith reacted “And again, what of a dozen far right directed and inspired riots, burning buildings, attacking police? Which seems to be OK and unmentioned by you? Not even an appeal to make protests non violent?” 

Ian Titterton reacted “Does this make you angry ? have you not worked it all out yet that it’s meant to drive anger and create division”

Additionally, The UK recent riots show that people are very upset about unfair policing. They feel police protect the rich and powerful, but not ordinary people. This has caused a lot of anger and demands for change. To make things better, the police need to listen and make sure everyone is treated fairly. 

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