Chief Constable racism statement

Chief Constable’s Racism Statement Sparks Mixed Public Reactions

Earlier today Chief Constable spoke on behalf of the police to address the public and assure them of protection and defense during this time of unrest in the West Midlands.

In this recent video, he stated the following in his speech;

We won’t tolerate those types of intimidation or criminality in any way, shape or form from anyone who lives across the west Midlands.”

“There is one tier of policing that implies to all of us and that means we police without fear or favor.”

“We don’t tolerate racism and discrimination and in particular, some of the actions that I have seen on the TV screens, you would have appealed to me and no doubt have appalled you.”

Additionally, he said;

You would see more police officers in and around the community if there are events where the extreme ring wing for example wants to protest to turn up at a location very much unexpected or sporadically.”

He also added that “They would deal with structures positively and professionally, on behalf of everybody that lives in and across the Midlands

His speech has caused a mixed reaction as some netizens threw backlashes at him in the comment session of the video posted on Twitter.

A user wrote;

“I am starting to believe that all those working in government and its agencies go through a lie and bullshit to the public course. The guys in my local council building are just as bad, they lie so much and if you didn’t know they were lying you really couldn’t tell.”


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Why have I never seen a police force give this type of speech aimed at Christians or Jewish populations, or white populations saying they will protect them? This is sectarian policing”

RalphLane also commented; 

So “communities” i.e. Muslims are being reassured that they will be protected from “far right” dangers.

Am I, an ethnically English Christian, and my “community”, getting protected, from any dangers, by any very neutral police force?”

Chief Constable’s speech seems to upset the Americans, it tends to be in favor of the Islams alone, despite the fact that everyone is being affected by the ongoing crisis.

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