Uncommitted Delegates Sit-in

Ilhan Omar Joins Uncommitted Delegates Sit-in Sparking Debate

Rep. Ilhan Omar Joins The Uncommitted Delegates sit-in. Is This a Political Move? 

This video has been going around the internet of Rep. Ilhan Omar, the Somali-American congresswoman participating in the ongoing sit-in protest by uncommitted delegates. 

In the viral video, she was captured having an emotional moment with one of the demonstrators who was visibly thrilled to embrace her. 

This video has been met by so many reactions from Netizens with some believing that this is just another political move and holds no water just like some X user tweeted below. 

“Pandering for votes. All she’s doing is causing more problems between her and the Democrats.”

Notice how she waited til after her primary to start doing this type of stuff again…” 

Some other X users expressed their satisfaction with her action, seeing her as someone who understands the pains of the masses. 

Below are some reactions from some X users:

“A survivor of Somalia genocide understands the pain of Gaza genocide. How hard is it for our leaders to understand? Empathy has to be real. If you have never huddled fearing for life how can U begin to know the depth of what you see on TV?”

“I love this woman. I did not like living in MN but I was proud to be in a state where she was a congressman.”

However, some viewed such an act as only a temporary measure of relieving the problem at hand without any long-term solution. 

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The X user below even went as far as offering some advice that can salvage the situation in the long run. 

“Only when Palestinians can decide what a free Palestine means and have an effective political organization and leadership that backs it can we move out of this conflict! 

Stop playing color war on the street; devise a consensus and plan for the future!!!”

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