What Space Movie Came Out in 1992

What Space Movie Came Out in 1992? An Exposition

Many Netizens are eager to know what space movie came out in 1992. In this post, we have elucidated just that.

What Space Movie Came Out in 1992?

Gayniggers from Outer Space” was the movie that came out in 1992.

The 1992 movie that caused a stir

Gayniggers from Outer Space or GOS for short was directed by the performing artist, Morten Lindberg. It was released in 1992. The movie is best known for its bold and controversial ideologies throughout the scenes.

It is essential to note that this movie was produced as a sci-fi parody.

Movie Overview

In the story, we see intergalactic men from the planet Anus who discovers female features exist on Earth. They decide to terminate these creatures with their rayguns which would lead to Men on earth being more or dominating the earth.

They decide to leave planet Earth but leave behind an Ambassador to teach their ways to Earth people.

Movie Casts

In this movie, we see Coco P. Dalbert playing the role of ArmInAss, Sammy Saloman taking on the role of Capt. B. Dick, Konrad Fields acting as Mr. Schwul, and many more.

Reception and Legacy

The movie is considered to be a low-budget and very weird kind of movie. Over time, it has been referred to as a “queer-interest B movie”. The reason people say this is not far-fetched. This is because at that time, people perceived the LGBTQ+ community differently, and this movie’s predominant themes were associated with the community.

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Speaking honestly, the movie isn’t popular. However, some people who love movies with black heroes (called blaxploitation films), think or rather love the movie.

Final thoughts

The movie was very infamous in the year 1992. Many perceived it as offensive. Others were just shocked by the representations it had.

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