UK Police Street Prayer

UK Police Face Backlash After Confronting Woman Over Silent Prayer

The video below shows a Police officer interrogating a lady who was seen praying silently in her head at an Abortion Center.

He asked if she was protesting, but, she responded No, 

He asked again;

“Are you praying for the lives of the unborn children?”

She responded; 

“No, I am praying for those who have been hurt by abortion.”

He went further to interrogate her, asking if her actions could not be carried out somewhere else, and charged her guilty of violating the Public Space Protection Order.

The woman responded that she has actually been arrested twice, gone to court, and has been acquitted for, allegedly, her silent prayers. 

She went further to say that she had received an email from the police telling her that she was allowed to be in that area.

The police, being more inquisitive kept interrogating her.

The video has sparked the reaction of internet users as they write their opinions in the comment section of the post on Twitter.

Gliberacci commented;

UK Police now charging citizens with crimes,

they “BELIEVE” to be committed.

No evidence, no witnesses, no victims”

Another user said “Police are a corrupt inept demonic anti British institution. 

They even arrest Christian preachers!  

Rotten to the core like the systems of government and the BBC state TV. 

Gaslighting the public to try to fool them into thinking reality isn’t reality. 

It’s evil.”

Dearld Sterling also wrote;

More for you:  Netizens Shared Mixed Reactions to Viral Video of Carrie Strug

Then the idea of “hate crimes” started to become popular, I warned everyone that I could about how dangerous it was. I encouraged them to absolutely not use that phrase. Here we are. 1984”

Another user commented;

“My favorite part of this video is where the police officer asks the same question to Muslims praying in the street

According to the woman, she has been arrested twice for standing there to say her silent prayers. This implicates that; the UK Public Space Protection Order does not permit people to pray in the street.

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