Obamas Meme Video

The Meme That Went Too Far? The Obamas’ Video Sparks Reactions

This recent video has been trending on the internet lately about the 44th President of the United States, Barack Obama. 

In the video, is a poster with a picture of the former president and an edited picture of the former First Lady; Michelle Obama.

If you recall, Barrack Obama has been one of the supporters of same-sex marriage in America. 

He has always shown his support for marriage between both genders. Most people have however pointed out that he is married to a woman while supporting same-sex relationships and marriage. 

The video went ahead to sarcastically insinuate that just maybe he is married to a transgender which is the only valid reason for his strong support for same-sex marriage. 

This has been met with a series of mixed reactions from Netizens with the majority finding the video to be extremely hilarious and politically driven. 

Here are some reactions from Netizens:

OMG, my Big Mike meme made it to a bus stop!!! 🤣

Under normal circumstances I would not repost this type of video, however,  I think we can all agree that @BarackObama opened the door to this last night!”

“We must find the person behind this disgusting work of art”

“Love um your posts, oh my gosh laughing so hard at this one. 🤣😂”

No concrete information regarding the person responsible for the poster has emerged since the video has gone viral. 

However, many believe that it is a diplomatic and political response from the opposition. 

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This video is also proof that Americans have a mixed view regarding some vital political matters and it’s sad to see that Michelle Obama who is now labeled “Mike” is at the receiving end of this.

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