JFK Autopsy Pics: John F. Kennedy Autopsy Results
According to research and findings, John F. Kennedy, the 35th President of the USA, was hit by two bullets on the 22nd of November, 1963.
The United States of America knew sorrow on the 22nd of November, 1963, when the 35th President of the nation of the free and home to the brave was assassinated.
Per our findings, his body was taken to Bethesda Naval Hospital for a complete body autopsy to be conducted.
After the autopsy was conducted, it was discovered that two bullets went through him. One bullet went through his head from the back. It made a big hole as it pierced through his body.
This bullet, per findings, was what did more damage as it left a residue of metals in his brain as it broke his skull, penetrating his head.
See image below:

The second bullet is said to have hit his upper back and made its exit below his neck.
There have been many investigations and theories surrounding the death of J. F. Kennedy. The leading theory made by the Warren Commission explained that both bullets came from behind him.
Others have called the bullets “the magic bullets”
See JFK Autopsy Pics Below:

Again, there have been numerous conspiracy theories circulating since his assassination. Most of these conspiracy theories were a result of his brain going missing in 1966.
Others believe it to be a political clash, while some have said that it was not just the shooter that gunned down J.F Kennedy.