Dr. Tanya Haj-Hassan video

Dr. Tanya Haj-Hassan’s Emotional Video on Gaza Sparks Outrage

Dr Tanya Haj Hassan Speaks At DNC Panel On Palestinian Rights.

Following this recent viral video of Dr. Tanya Haj Hassan regarding the decimation of the Gaza people, a lot of people reacted differently to the terrifying situation. 

The Democratic National Convention held its first-ever panel on Palestinian rights Monday, including gathering testimony from Dr. Tanya Haj-Hassan, who volunteered at a hospital in Gaza earlier this year. “We have witnessed civilian massacre after civilian massacre,” she said. 

 Dr. Tanya Haj Hassan is a paediatrician intensive care volunteer physician who had participated in several treatments of patients in the Gaza war of which she narrated in detail, her experiences with children who were severely wounded and being a part of a panel on the human rights of the Palestinian people. She spent her two weeks volunteering at the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital in Gaza, talking about what she witnessed and the conditions of healthcare in the most difficult and devastating zones. 

The Video Content 

 A video emerged which had gone viral where Dr Tanya Haj-Hassan in an interview with Democracy Now media outlet was narrating her ordeal with a young boy who had his face and neck badly injured and was wishing he had died too because most of his loved ones were believed to be in “heaven”.

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Dr. Tanya Haj Hassan further mentioned another of her colleagues, whom she described as a dedicated young nurse who had tried to evacuate a body from North to South in  Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital when he came across the Israeli soldiers and was subsequently detained for 54 days. Upon his release, because he had no crime, the nurse reported physical, sexual, and psychological torture while in detention. This heart-wrenching event gave the nurse severe insomnia from the trauma of his detention. 

Towards the end of the interview, Dr. Tanya Haj Hassan said “This is not a humanitarian crisis. This is the worst of what humanity is capable of, and it’s entirely all man-made,” 

“This is a complete failure of humanity, and, to be frank, I feel ashamed to be an American citizen. I feel ashamed to be part of a society that has allowed this to continue.”  

 The relevance of this video is to portray the agony experienced by children in the Gaza wars and the devastating state of mind of the children.

Following this devastating video, here are a few reactions from concerned citizens 

The Exhausted Pipe reacted  “The DNC won’t do a thing. Genocide Joe has passed the torch to Holocaust Kamala. The other side is no better. It’s time to vote for a third party/candidate.”

FaceTheTruth commented  “If you have ZERO knowledge of the conditions of people in Gaza (you have to be one of the biggest ignorants and depraved souls to be that), but you still are one of those, all you have to do is listen to this video, what that doctor is describing. That’s all.  

It’s so easy to say that it’s just one issue when you really don’t have a grasp of what a 2000 lb bomb does to you and your kids, your family. It’s been close to 11 months of that reality.”

Zaid also reacted “When in doubt, listen to Pediatricians. Thank you Dr Tanya”

Toronto goes WHOA commented  “No one will ever convince me that killing mothers & their children are anything but pure EVIL.!

Being decent means taking notice of any child caught in any sort of distress then stepping down & HELPING.! The Israeli Monster has taken too many good Jews & made them hostage to EVIL”

Lucy commented  “Why didn’t they let Dr. Haj-Hassan speak from the podium as she requested? Why do they keep this genocide in a panel and not televised like the other speakers. It’s one of the most pressing events in our lives right now.”

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