Cuomo critcizes Democrats

Cuomo Blasts Democrats Over Corporate Influence at DNC

Chris Cuomo Drops The Truth Bomb At The DNC Convention In Chicago 

On day three of the DNC convention, News Nation host, Chris Cuomo had explained the Wednesday convention as a corporate influence at the DNC and also on party politics. In Chris Cuomo’s words as he reported late Wednesday from the convention floor in Chicago, he said “… but there is another reality that is really looking down on them…look at the rings of the suites, okay? This is not unique to Democrats. There is a game of Money. When people talk about uniparty, we are strangled by the money reality in our politics” 

Chris Cuomo who was a former CNN anchor is now a host at the Primetime program in News Nation, a subchannel owned by Nexstar Media Group. 

Those suites start at $500,000. Do you think there’s like a teacher group up in there? You think it’s like the Cub Scouts of Columbia County, South Carolina, that’s up in those boxes? Some of them are lobbies and good things,” he added. “The media boxes, you think they are free?”

 “Why do you think I’m on the floor? NewsNation is not a broke company. Nexstar is a massive organization, we are corporate media,” he continued. “We don’t have one of those boxes because that’s the game. You pay to play. Those boxes are filled with people they say they would regulate… and that is the reality of Politics” 

Following the Chris Cuomo Live stream report, the internet users have been showing various reactions to the report; 

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Wall Street Silver reacted   “It looks like Chris Cuomo is trying to rebuild his career by attacking Democrats.  Did he make this decision because he knows he has no chance of getting back on CNN or MSNBC? So now he hopes to catch on with a right-leaning audience?”

Franklin commented  “You need money and a strong party backing to campaign and advertise to 200-300 million Americans.  Otherwise you’ll end up like RFK – dead campaign.”

Kelli Kay also reacted  “Chris Cuomo can see the democrats are crashing and he doesn’t want to go down with them. 

If democrats were truly in the lead, he’d be right along side with them 💯

SaltyGoat reacted “Still not a fan of the guy but I’m glad he’s calling out that nothing about the Democrats is grassroots”

Paul A. Commented  “The hypocrisy at the DNC couldn’t be more apparent.  They pretend to care about the average American, meanwhile they’re dropping millions on luxury suites.  What frauds.”

Anthony DeLarosa commented  “The Democratic platform is there to play on your victim mindset to pit you against successful people who have innovated and created jobs.  Even when the hypocrisy is there for all to see.”

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