Is Boxing day a stat in BC

Is Boxing day a stat in BC? All you need to know

Boxing Day is not a statutory holiday in British Columbia, Canada.

Holidays are time off from work to regain energy, and share moments with family, friends, and loved ones in general. Many use their holidays for numerous reasons, however, that’s not the essence of this piece. This article aims to elucidate that Boxing Day is not a statutory holiday in British Columbia.

Similarly, Easter Sundays and Mondays are not statutory holidays either.

Various holidays are statutory in British Columbia, Canada. To name a few;

  1. New Year’s Day: This holiday is celebrated to mark the beginning of a whole new year, while December 31st marks the end of a year
  2. Remembrance Day: is usually celebrated on the 11th of November. This day is set aside to celebrate the sacrifices of fallen armed forces.
  3. Labor Day: Labour Day is celebrated on the first Monday of September. This day is set aside to celebrate workers and the labor movement for improving the conditions of the country.
  4. Good Friday: This is a Christian holiday that commemorates the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and His death at Calvary.
  5. Thanksgiving Day: Thanksgiving Day is a national holiday, observed on the second Monday in October. It’s celebrated to give thanks for the harvest of the past year.
  6. Victoria Day: This holiday is symbolic, showing the ties between Canada and the British monarch. It is celebrated on a Monday preceding May 25th.
  7. Canada Day: This holiday celebrates the birth of the country. It is celebrated on the 1st of July.
  8. Christmas Day: This day is set aside to celebrate the birth of Jesus. It is a Christain holiday.
  9. B.C Day: This is a statutory holiday in the British Columbia region of Canada. It is celebrated on the first Monday In August.
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These are the nine statutory holidays that Canada observe annually.

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